Does my child have to be good at art? 

We believe that everyone can create and while there is a certain art standard that is considered good, we encourage children to have fun and try.  We celebrate all abilities and like to think of our approach as taking the children on a fun creative journey rather than teaching technical art skills. 

Do all children come with a friend?

No.  While we do have friends who come with friends, many do not.  We do our best to sit children of similar ages together and we usually find that friendships emerge during the workshops. 

How do you use art and play to develop resilience?

Instead of talking to kids about feelings and emotions, we use art and play.  Click here to read how we do it. 

Can I get a refund if I change my mind or something else comes up?

Being a small business, we hope our clients understand that a cancellation means that we miss out on the revenue of that booking which is why we do not offer a refund.  Please check your dates and commitments carefully before booking.  Our refund policy can be read here.  

Can my 5 year old come to the workshop?

We have an age limit but we are flexible.  While we advertise our workshops for 6+, we leave it to parent to decide.  If you think your child can be left for the day and can work independently then they are welcome. We do have had 5.5 year olds attend our workshops. We have a helper with us so there is always someone to assist the children as well as our teacher.  However, the teacher and assistant can not provide one on one assistance to a child for the day.


Can I use NDIS funding to pay for the workshops?

We have had a lot of children attending the workshops in the past who are on NDIS and have used funding for the program.  It would depend upon what kind of plan your child is on and what area has been allocated funding and the wording in your NDIS plan as well as the goals you need to meet. If you need a therapist sign off for the course completion, we are unable to provide this. 

If you are self managed, there may be flexibility in how you use your funds, however we cannot provide a definitive answer for this. There may be an avenue if your child is receiving regular support from a Psychologist, where you could ask if they are able to include the workshops as part of their recommendations in their report for your annual NDIS plan review (as being necessary and meeting the goals of your plan). I am however, unable to advise if this would be sufficient for approval with the NDIS. We are happy to provide further information for any therapists.  

What can I do if my child is nervous?

It is normal for your child and even you to be nervous when attending a workshop that they have not been before.

We all get nervous when we are in our stretch zone. It is normal and our bodies way of protecting us.  However, as you know, it can get in the way of our children’s willingness to try new things.  If your child has a tendency to get nervous I encourage you to read our blog for how you can prepare them

If you prefer, watch this five minute video on Facebook:

When you arrive, we encourage you to settle your child in to the workshop and then leave.  In our experience they usually settle down.  Please let the teacher know as they will assist you and your child.  If your child does not settle we will work with you to come up with a plan.

Where are the workshops held?

We partner with organisations to run our afterschool and school holiday activities.  Check the venue when you book or your ticket.  Click here for a map and directions to get to the venue.  

Can I come and check on my child during the class?

From our experience, when a parent comes to check on their child, one of two things usually will happen.  The first, a child who has overcome their nerves, may want to go if their parent comes.  The second is that the child is fine. We can give you an update if your child finds it hard to settle when you leave.

Can I stay with my child?

For the above reasons and for the sake of other children we don’t allow parents to stay.

Do I have to print out my ticket?

You do not have to print out your ticket.  We will have your details.  

What should my child bring?

Children should bring a drink bottle, morning tea, lunch and if required an afternoon snack. While we don’t stop for afternoon tea, your child can eat if needed. Please ensure any food is nut free. If you forget their food please see the teacher to arrange a time to drop off.

Please ensure your child brings their water bottle home as we are unable to return them to you.

Soft toys and any aids children may have (e.g. squeezy ball etc) are welcome. We will let them know when their special friends should be put somewhere to watch when we are doing messy art.

Valuables such as watches and mobile phones are not encouraged as we can not guarantee their safety. We will ask children to return their mobile phones or any other devices to their bag during the day.

Can they bring their art shirt?

Your child is most welcome to bring their own art shirt.  However, we do have aprons that they can wear.

What is your adult child ratio?

We have a ratio of one adult and assistant per 14 children. 

Do kids share food?

Children are encouraged not to share food, however we can not control if this happens. If you are concerned about this please remind your child.  You are most welcome to discuss any concerns you have with the teacher.  

Does my child get to bring all their creations home?

Yes. As much as we are often tempted to keep a child’s art piece due to it’s creativity alas we will send it home once we have taken a photo.

What if my child does not finish every activity?

We understand that each child works at a different speed however we have only ever had a few children who have not finished. If a child does not finish their art work we will discuss how it can be finished at home.

Can I send someone else to drop off or pick up my child?

Yes. We will ask the person who drops off your child as to who will pick up your child at the end of the class and collect their details.

What if my child is sick?

Please advise us on 0404 649 204 as early as possible if your child is to unwell to attend the class.

What if I need to contact the teacher?

Please call 0404 649 204 if you need to speak to a teacher.

What if I don’t want my child’s photo used?

We do often take children’s photos with their artwork as a keepsake of their amazing creation with no intention of using it. For the most part, when we post photos we use photos of hands and creations. However, on occasion we will use photos for advertising and marketing purposes. Our booking system asks you to indicate if you approve. If you booked through the Artspace and are not asked on arrival, please advise the teacher. Please be advised we will not use photos without approval.


So we can notify you about our upcoming workshops and tips on the art of developing resilient children.