Supporting Well Being in Schools

Our incursions are designed to assist students identify how they feel and give them tools and strategies to adopt a growth mindset. This gives them the confidence and ability to cope with challenges so they are ready to learn.

Imagine if your students could easily recognise their emotions, calm themselves and keep trying. How much more effective would their learning be? 

We work with schools to run incursions, professional development and customised solutions such as parent and children workshops to develop resilience in school communities. 

The feedback we have received from teachers who have experienced our wellbeing program in schools have told us that our incursions have the following benefits.  

Our incursions are perfect for Mental Health Week

Many schools including  have engaged us to be a part of their Wellness Week, R U Okay? day or Wellness program.  This has included running incursions for the whole school at Kinross Primary School, Collier Primary and Springfield Primary School, Quinns Baptist College and White Gum Valley Primary.

wellbeing week
stem incursions

Our incursions link seamlessly with the curriculum

Our workshops support the development of 21st-century learners by integrating creativity and health literacy into education. Aligned with the Education Department of WAโ€™s Focus 2022 document, which emphasizes wellbeing, especially in the post-COVID world, our incursions target key learning areas such as personal and social competence, literacy, language, health, arts, humanities, social sciences, science, sustainability, and design technologies.

Within our incursions, we embed general skills like critical and creative thinking, ethical understanding, and intercultural awareness. Our wellbeing program links with Positive Behaviour Programs, school values, health initiatives, Mindfulness, and Protective Behaviours. Additionally, our incursions actively support the Zones of Regulations, reinforcing connections with other curriculum areas such as STEM and Sustainability.

Connecting seamlessly with the WA Curriculum, we simplify the process for teachers.  We can assist in choosing the most relevant incursion for you needs.  

Discover how seamlessly our incursions align with your educational goals by downloading our incursion brochure.  

Students engage in STEAM and sustainability activities

Art and play are an effective way to teach children about resilience. Every child that comes to our workshops knows that mistakes are okay.  They also know that mistakes are how they learn.  However, students are still mastering how to process the big feelings. By engaging in the art and play activities we help children explore how feelings can cause them to give up and stop trying. In our incursions students are supported to work through any big feelings to keep trying. These skills are so useful for the classroom and life.  

In each of our incursions we have a strong sustainability focus with extensive use of recycled materials. We are constantly finding new ways to use recycled materials instead of using new resources.  For example, in our construction workshops we challenge children to use as little sticky tape as possible.  Students often rise to the challenge with the type of creativity and problem solving that is needed when dealing with mistakes.

Watch Fiona Perrella, Resilience Educator As She Explains Our Wellbeing School Incursions.

Our incursions are engaging for all year groups.

You can imagine our delight when a Year 6 student showed us her second Brain House character that she made at home after our incursion.  All children love to play and we know that with a full curriculum, it can be very difficult to find opportunities and have the headspace to think about what to do.  Strength Heroes have so many different types of projects.  Each school incursion has the option of a number of different materials such as clay, paint, loose parts or drawing. 

โ€œContent very specific to year groupโ€ Teacher

Our incursions are effective because we use art and play

Strength Heroes school incursions are a different way of accessing your schools health objectives.  Different because they are highly engaging.  We use art and play activities to explore resilience themes.  We call it thinkering!

Our incursions are effective because they are play based. We use a play approach because it is the fundamental way for students to learn. Instead of talking about what a mistake feels like and what they can think, say and do, we create a safe space for children to โ€œthinker.โ€ For example, when a student masters a skill, we have an opportunity to create a teaching moment. How do we do this? We let children feel the emotion and then give them tools and strategies to keep developing a growth mindset.  



Kids LOVE Strength Heroes incursions

An expert in school incursions, Thomas, Year 2 told his teacher that our Mistake Maker incursion was the BEST incursion ever!  He did qualify this by saying that he had lots of years of incursions ahead but so far ours was the best.  His teacher agreed and when she asked him why he said it was because he got to build and play instead of just sit and listen.  

kids incursions

Incursions embed that Mistakes are OK

As one teacher said โ€œA great experience for kids to recallโ€ when they make a mistake.  Instead of Strength Heroes just telling kids mistakes are okay, kids get to explore resilience topics through making things and our challenges.   For example in I am a Mistake Maker school incursion we lead them through activities that flesh out what a Mistake Maker is.  Then they get to construct their own Mistake Maker.  Another teacher told us โ€œThey (students) could relate straight back to the character they created and whyโ€

Our incursions are easy for Educators

Included in each incursion

  • Preparation and all resources.
  • Information for parents that can be added to your consent form and strategies to reinforce and implement learning at home.
  • Worksheet template that give evidence of students learning and can be added to appropriate portfolio (e.g. literacy).
  • Relevant educators are introduced to the concepts along with the students.
  • Teacher kit with guide notes and activities to further reinforce strategies learned.
  • Tools such as the Emotion Wizzy Dizzy and Emotional Regulation chart which are linked to the Zones of Regulation.
wellbeing incursions
Download our Incursion Brochure for Primary Schools
professional development educators
Our Professional Development
well being program
Customised solutions for you
free teacher download
Free resources to develop students resilience

Are You From Highschool?

Our young adult wellbeing workshops are more than a lecture in resilience or a lesson on art. We use art to teach your students or young people how to think with a growth mindset, how to apply mindfulness principles to keep trying, understand and accept their emotions when they are in the learning zone. Lisa Ravenscroft from Alta One College explains the value of the incursions for their students. We work with schools and students to deliver presentations and workshops. Click here to download.