Positive parenting solutions to help your children learn.

Do you find yourself struggling not to take over when your child makes a mistake or when they anxious that they can’t do something? Childhood anxiety can be difficult to navigate. In this post I will give you positive parenting solutions to assist your child when they are struggling. Maybe they are getting anxious because they…
Meaningful Experiences as Christmas Gifts for kids

Are you looking for Christmas gifts ideas for kids? Stocking fillers usually include toys, clothes, and gadgets. Toys are great for kids, especially for imaginative play, but they add to the stuff that clutters your home. All of these things add to all the other stuff kids have and can clutter your home. These gifts…
How to Support Your Kids When They Miss Out on a School Prefect position

This month we ran our Everyone is a Leader workshop for the Year 5’s at Kinross Primary. In this workshop, kids explored what a leader and importantly, how they might feel when they don’t get a leadership position and how to manage those feelings. In a life where everyone strives and works hard to achieve…
Movies for kids to teach life lessons

It can be hard to find good movies for kids. Movies are great examples of how to engage and learn resilience messages; not only do they convey life lessons through themes and dialogues, but they are also entertaining, which helps the messages be more memorable to kids. We put together a list of movies that…
Why Helicopter Parenting is Bad for Building Resilience and How to Avoid It

Worried that you might be becoming a helicopter parent? Start with knowing the signs and the negative effects on building resilience for kids. Read our latest blog to learn how you can avoid it while helping your kids learn life skills.
Anxiety in children: Helping your child cope.

Building resilience in children to help them cope with anxiety.
12 tips to help separation anxiety.

Our tips to develop children’s resilience to go out and try new kids activities on their own.
8 ways art and play develops self regulation for kids

Art and play are not just fun activities for kids but a great way to develop self regulation for kids. Self-regulation is the ability to understand and manage your behaviours, feelings and reactions to emotions and things around you. Kids need to develop this ability to help them become more independent and get along well…
How to develop resilience by avoiding labelling your children.

“She is a picky eater”, “He is lazy”, “She’s a perfectionist” are all examples of some of the things we say to undermine all the things we do to develop resilience in children. In this blog we outline how to focus on what behaviour needs to change.
5 steps for teaching kids about emotions

Teaching children how to regulate their emotions is essential to building resilience in children.