Lessons for life: Teaching kids strengths to be brave and resilient

resilient children

An important lesson for life is teaching children that they can draw on their strengths to overcome challenges.  Strengths are the unique qualities, skills, or attributes that individuals possess and excel in. They represent areas of natural talent, competence, or proficiency that contribute positively to a person’s abilities and potential for success. Identifying and understanding…

Fostering Resilience through Strength-Based Approach

In this blog, we’re excited to share five examples of how we wholeheartedly embrace a strength-based approach in all our programs at Strength Heroes. Plus, we’re providing you with practical ways to seamlessly integrate this approach into your parenting journey. In the realm of education, we often encounter two approaches—one that focuses on a child’s…

Unleashing Creativity: Why Strength Heroes Workshops Enhances Vacation Care

Vacation care

The holiday season is here and parents seek the delicate balance of keeping their children engaged and maintaining some semblance of sanity through vacation care programs. But have you explored the transformative power of art and play workshops? Let’s delve into how Strength Heroes Workshops not only supplement but also elevate the holiday experience for…

Positive Parenting Guide for 2024

As we step into the promising canvas of 2024, now is the perfect moment for parents to embrace positive parenting and set the stage for a year of growth and joy for their children. By focusing on reflection, identifying strengths, and fostering open communication, you can create an environment that propels your child towards success….

30 Calming Corner Ideas for Children: Creating a Peaceful Oasis

calming corner

Introducing a calm down kit in your home or calm corner classroom can be a wonderful way to help children manage their emotions and find tranquility in moments of stress or when they are overwhelmed. Whether it’s a challenging day at school, a moment of frustration, or just a need for some quiet time, having…

Six Tips to Navigate Children’s Emotions of School Sports Day

School sports day can make children feel different ways. Some children look forward to the day because it’s fun and has exciting challenges. But others feel worried and stressed. This shows how parents can help their children with these feelings. For most children, school sports day is a special day each year. They might get…

6 Mindfulness Activities for Kids to Practice at Home

There are many simple and enjoyable mindfulness activities that parents can do with their kids to help them develop mindfulness. Mindfulness is a valuable skill for children to learn, as it can help them manage stress, improve focus, and increase overall well-being. Here are six ideas to get you started. Mindful Breathing One of the…

Strength Heroes on ABC radio

Strength Heroes founder, Fiona Perrella shares with the team from WA Afternoons how kids learn and cope with challenges by mistake making. Listen to how the Mistake Maker camp is teaching kids that making mistakes can be a good thing. For a snap shot of our Mistake Maker camp visit Our Workshops Read on for…

8 Tips for Managing Anxiety in Children About School

Starting a new school year can be an overwhelming and scary experience for children and it can be stressful to manage anxiety in children. A child’s anxiety can last beyond the first weeks and can be frustrating and confusing for everyone.  Fortunately, there are several strategies that you can use to help their children better…


So we can notify you about our upcoming workshops and tips on the art of developing resilient children.